Safety Tips for Dealing With Power Lines on Construction Sites

Overhead power lines are used to carry large electrical currents from one point to the other. The lines are usually made from copper or aluminium, which are good electrical conductors. Overhead power lines are rarely insulated, and therefore pose a huge threat to the safety of people working around them. The people who run the greatest risk of getting injured or even dying from electrical shock from power lines are people working in construction sites and in any other industry that dictates that you work near the lines. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why Your Sockets Are Sparking

One of the biggest problems that homeowners have is that they only think about repairing or maintaining their electrical outlets when there is a major problem with their system. Most new homes have their wiring done correctly, and it usually takes some time before the wiring gets old and electrical problems to start appearing. However, regardless of the starting quality of the electrical system, there will always be a chance that part of the system will fall apart. [Read More]

Simple Tips to Help You Avoid Short-Circuiting in the Home

One of the biggest challenges that homeowners face when dealing with electrical appliances is protecting them from electrical damage. One of the most common causes of damage to electrical equipment is short-circuiting. A short circuit happens when an electrical current completes its journey using a shorter route than the one established by the wiring. The electrical current usually seeks grounding, which means that it will flow through the set circuit, go back to the service panel, and then proceed onto the appliances. [Read More]

Why you need to set up a maintenance regime for your machinery

If you work in the manufacturing industry, you will be well aware of the importance of maintaining your machinery. Your motors, generators and other electrical rotating machinery are at the heart of your business, and you know that you need to take proper care of them to ensure they remain safe to use and are capable of performing at the high level you need to keep producing products, keep your customers happy and keep your business performing at the level you expect. [Read More]